Exposing my insecurities

Exposing my insecurities

Have you ever shared an insecurity with someone then soon realized it honestly wasn’t that big of a deal? Well, that’s kind of how I’m feeling right now. Knowing the freedom that comes from shedding light on insecurities, and the people who might be inspired to do the same after reading this blog, here goes mine:

I’m afraid to debut my portfolio and show the world what I’ve been working on. I’m afraid of being laughed at for my limited knowledge. I’m afraid of being judged on my inability to completely build full-stack applications. In a nutshell, I’m scared to show others my skills for the fear of feeling less than a real developer.

Note to self: What if your skills are exactly what an employer is looking for in this season? Remember what you have to offer is valuable. Keep working hard to build yourself up. This journey is a long one so relax and enjoy the ride.